Project failed to open - This project is not valid

Hey, i wanted to try out unity and wanted to try and make my own game.
I downloaded UnityHub and wanted to learn it by opening the FPS Microgame, but unfortunaly everytime and try to open it I get an Error saying “Project failed to open - This project is not valid”.
I have downloaded UnityHub on my SSD (D:) but somehow everytime i want to make a new project the following Message shows up (I will attach a screenshot of the Message)

I have already reinstalled Unity Hub, and I don’t know what to do. I hope someone can help me

Delete that file(com.unity.template.fps-4.0.0.tgz) and then try to create the project again. You will have to download the template again. Maybe that can help.

In case you can’t find the AppData folder, do this: (I am doing this on Win 7, so the text might change for other versions)
Open file explorer, click organize>folder and search options>view>show hidden files,folders and drives.(image below)

Where is the file, because it is not in my AppData Folder under Unity

still doesnt work for some reason…

i can’t find the organise in file explorer (i’m using windows 10)

Make sure to go to unity hub not unity

make sure you have hidden and system files turned visible

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where is the explorer?!

this is bullshit

ehhh I just ran into this problem? on a problem I was just working on yesterday? what m i missing?

same i use windows 1

windows 1, oh get lost, no one would be able to use windows 1 and unity…

Agreed. That is basically impossible.

It’s compressed as Targa, so probably built with Unity under Linux, so that’s why.

All unity packages and templates are tar gz files even under windows, so its not that.

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