Project files missing!

Nice work, guys! I love to reading those blogs and they really help us to understand how the things work…Hope you can keep updating the contents of those blogs as the development of Animation Rigging progressing, so that they can match and use the latest features available.

There is a project included for the blog “Advanced Animation Rigging: Character and props interaction” which has done a fantastic job. However, I could not find any project included for the blog “Introducing the Animation Rigging preview package for Unity 2019.1” - Which I think is very important as we want to play around how the Ninja can use the sword in various ways with different constraints, rather than just swiping. Or changing the settings to get a different behaviour of throwing Shuriken.

It is pretty hard to learn things by just looking at a few demonstration videos or screen shots, but rather getting the hand dirty and dig deep into the project, changing here and there, in order to grip the real feeling of the subject.

Please added the project to the blog for completeness and achieve most benefit to the learners. Thanks!

Updated: Is the project files located in the following link??

If yes, please added this link to the blog so that people know where to download the project!!

A detailed checking of the above project: It does not match the Blog as no Shuriken has found and Animator of the character has “Idle” state only but nothing else…What kind of tutorial or “training” is it if it cannot just run out of the box??


Unfortunatly, the ninja character was not made available for the 2019.1 Animation Rigging release blog post. This blog post was not meant as a tutorial, but more an introduction on Animation Rigging.

As for tutorials however, the SIGGRAPH 2019 workshop is indeed a good example (GitHub - Unity-Technologies/animation-rigging-workshop-siggraph2019: Repository for SIGGRAPH 2019 Animation Rigging workshop). If you look in the archive, you’ll find PDF slides that go over the workshop.

You can also have a look at this blog post: Unity Blog and the associated project GitHub - Unity-Technologies/animation-rigging-advanced-character-interaction: Advanced Animation Rigging: Character and Props interaction.

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It seems we have just one project called “Test Ninja 2.5D Platformer” is used to demonstration the Animation Rigging so far.

Unity in the past has done a very good job in presenting or showcase what it can be done with some full-blown projects made by the experts such as…-projects/book-of-the-dead-environment-121175

I don’t see why we cannot do the same thing for Animation Rigging features.

If the Unity’s Innovation Group in the Sherman Project can give out all the Maya source files, in additional to full Unity’s project…Why can’t the “Test Ninja 2.5D Platformer” project do the same thing??

To impress the wide audience about it and serve as a marketing advertisement of how good Unity really is, the showcase project’s quality must be top-notch if not perfect.

However, I have found very disappointed for the project in

As can be seen in the attached screenshot:

  1. (Red Square) Missing Prefabs are found everywhere in the background game objects.
  2. (Red Square) Empty animations are found for most NinjaRig_xxxx actions.
  3. (Red Circle) Game Objects are placed carelessly in the scene - How can the glass windows or open air to support a huge neon-sign?
  4. Shuriken weapon is missing even the blog has shown how to throw the Shuriken.

Even it is for workshop, are they expect people can fill in all the missing parts by themselves to make the project fully functional, rather than Ninja just “idle” standing there??

It is same for the project in

There is no background in the scene even there are Reflection Probes for “Behind Wall” and “Behind Frame”, which mean Game Objects have been removed from original scene.

At least I think the animation is running too fast to see clearly what has happened when reloading the weapons - Almost impossible to achieve that speed in the real world…And it has missed the target aiming which cause weapons cannot move around at all - Only half done here! I suspect much difficult work (How?) is required as you need to “disable” aiming while reloading the weapon…

It looks like something have been removed from the original project deliberately, hidden it as some kind of “trade secrets”, rather than promoting people to use Animation Rigging with welcome open arms…

We are talking about “Animation” Rigging here, right? So why all the important animations in those projects are gone??

Can it be made available to us with an open mind like other Unity’s projects do?

Hi Phi79,

The 2019.2 ninja example project shows how to use runtime constraints to add variations to a single animation. This allows for more variety and customization while using less individual animation clips

In case you might have missed it…
For 2019.1 we released the mechanical crane example project

Here it is on github if you want to download it

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Thanks, we do have the mechanical crane example project, but it is more like an Engineering Project! I guess most people is using Unity for game projects which are multi-billions dollars business…And the full Ninja project is what most people want - Not some crane design applications!!

If you really have trouble to release the FULL Ninja project, can you make another AWESOME game project (fully functional with all animations and extra resources) using Animation Rigging to showcase its features to us??

The team heard your request and gave you an answer. Please respect that and refrain from opening more threads around this topic.