Project Fire Starter

We have a new working name!

League Of Loyal Warriors Under Training
(find the joke here)

by Team Rage Quit (RQ)

New: Huge over Haul!


I figured that I would add a topic on the project we are currently working on. The name is not final. I wanted a place to put our progress, so I decided to start a bit early. I have a full team, and we’re all programming majors that are working on our senior project. We decided to attempt a very small online game. Not a massive online game, just a small online game. We’re currently pulling together a prototype and this is what we have thus far.

Please note: This is a prototype, so nothing used will probably end up in beta (as the textures are borrowed).

For those of you interested, Check out the Webplayer Build. Feedback is encouraged!

We are game programmers, and I am lead developer/programmer/project manger. Welcome to our project. :slight_smile:

Here is the concept proposal for what we are working towards:

The high concept of this game is for a player to be immersed in a relatively simply grind/action battle online game. The player chooses a class and strives to gain experience, constantly acquiring better armor and weapons, by killing enemies.

[Also, is it possible to embed the player into my original post?]

List of current known issues:
~ Enemy AI needs complete reworking.
~ Enemy reaction.
~ When typing, player still moves/attacks
~ Deleting all the text in the first box makes it disappear.

In progress:
~ level up system with attributes
~ importation of models for player and enemy
~ incorporation of inventory system
~ targeting system

~ Attack system
~ Fixed Jump
~ SOME original models for enemy

updated with screens

No feedback from anyone? :frowning:

I like it alot, its just a problem is when i walk i noticed the map had millions of blinking dots, also where do you go to fight those things?

Those blinking dots are when the trees do some occlusion culling thing with their leaves - I think. I haven’t made an actual map just yet. The points only appear above trees, right?

The enemies are to the left and up from where you begin. The attack won’t work just yet and nor with the level up system :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you have any frame rate problems?

Wow, you really did something this time, didn’t you? It looks nice! Can’t wait to see the final textures :smile:
I could help you model some nice characters if you want :smile:

.> why yes I did. Lol.

Transparency Update!
Now, the buildings have tops that go translucent when you want into them. There are issues with them staying transparent that I’m working on.

It seems like the framerate drops a bit once you are inside a building, but is back to speed when you exit.

Updated the link. And fixed the frame rate drop as well as the jump.

Nice work. Good luck with your project.

I like the transparent effect when inside buildings. I think it works well.

You need to let me kill something though. I kept hitting the dudes until they killed me :smile:

Is your mini-map just another camera pointing down and a rendertexture? I had to use something similar for a game I’m working on (the Maze View Bonus for this). Tends to hit performance on iOS but I suppose on the desktop it’s not really a problem. Were you saying above that you’re going to make and actual map instead of use a camera?

Haha thanks. One of my team members is working on stats for the attack/damage system. :stuck_out_tongue: I suppose I could hard could a small value in for kicks and giggles. It actually took me a while to get the transparency effect in there, and I’m still having trouble with it. :expressionless: Hopefully it’ll be worked out soon.

It is actually just a camera above the player. I haven’t rendered an image yet, but I think that It would be best to do that and use some algorithms to position the texture behind a dot. This is just for PC/MAC, so it isn’t much of a problem yet.

New temp enemies!
Attack system is activated, but doesn’t fully work.
No experience yet from enemies, and the AI still needs reworking.
Translucent buildings given a “hotfix”

Temp Level system in place!
~currently working one a much safer value system for leveling
However, the game will play similar to this.
We haven’t added a rebound from attack, nor the other class attacks,
so it is rudimentary. However, Check it out!

I’m just smiting those crows with my Level 50 Carlos Knight :slight_smile: Keep going, I’m paying close attention to this.

:smile:. Our team is currently laying out enemy location.
We’re looking at adding a menu system with the next update.
that way you don’t have to be Carlos Knight anymore :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

LOL. My stats suck, don’t they?

Those are actually the values I substituted. :stuck_out_tongue: Yours haven’t been implemented.

This is one of the developers on this project.

I want to be a Pablo Archer, please add it.

New Menu system will allow that when it is implemented.

Stay tuned for another update!
expected a major one that will include an opening menu system

Currently ironing out a few kinks in the menu system. Don’t want to show the whole thing just yet. :stuck_out_tongue: