Project Folder Or Disk Is Read Only

Hi Guys,

I’m new to Unity and a relative beginner in programming. I tried to open a new Unity project but a window opened telling me to move the project folder somewhere readable and writable. However, I was not able to find the project folder, and if I did, where would I move it? I’m on Mac OS X El Captain and I have the latest version of Unity.



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Try moving the project folder to the Desktop.

you can also try runing this command in the console

sudo chmod -R ProjectFolder 777

Thanks for the quick reply, crispybeans, I’ll try the code! By the way, is that code completely safe because when I try and enter it, it comes up with a message stating that improper use of the sudo command could delete important stuff, something I’m not too keen on doing. :smile: Any ideas on where I could find the project folder? :slight_smile: UPDATE: Tried the code, but possibly due to the Parental Controls (Sighs) it doesn’t allow me to complete the action. I guess this means I’m required to move the folder manually. Thanks for the code anyway!

Hi man i have moved it to my destop and still it doesnt open??

Simple fix work for me:

All you have to do is “take ownership” of Unity. In other words, run it as administrator once…

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I have Unity on a separate disk and got same error due to it being completely full (90 mb left) after downloading android sdks of 40 gb. After cleaning up space it worked as usual.