project path does not exist for mac

I have a problem when making a new project

i just download unity hub 2.4.3 in unity version 2020.3.6f1
and i really want to try create a new project even though i haven’t download VS yet
so when i want to create a new project and it located to “/Users/macbookpro” and then i click the Create button and it just automaticly went to the dekstop and nothing happen

so i open again my unity hub and there is my new project, but when i want to open it, it doesn’t let me to open it
and it’s saying “Project path dost not exist : /Users/macbookpro/New Unity Project”

but when i click Add button to open the project’s file in my folder, there is none of my project

i even try to download a new version of unity from 2020 to 2021 but it still didn’t work
uninstall and installed it again and the same result

i don’t know what to do right now :frowning:

please give me a solution to fix this, it would very helpfull if this forum get answered:)

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I’m not sure what happened there. Try creating your project in a different place (maybe make a folder for it inside your Documents folder), and give it a different name.

Hmm ok I will try it later, I will give the result later. Thanks for helping

Mr. / Ms. JoeStrout, I have been try the same way as you suggest but it still didn’t work, i tried to save it at my “Document/Unity Project”, still the same result.

soo what should i suppose to do?

Same problem here. I have installed the latest version of Unity (for the first time) then create a 3d project, and when i try to open ir from the Unity Hub, the message is “project path does not exist” i would appreciate any help, thanks!

Can you post a screen shot of the Unity Hub (showing the path you’re trying to open), and the Finder (in column mode, showing the full path to the project)?

I’ve never experienced this issue, but maybe we’ll be able to spot some clue in the screenshots.

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There are some of my screenshots, it’s just my step-by-step making a new project. and when i want to search it from the Finder, it’s just empty or my file just corrupted

I don’t sure about this, but maybe it’s because my software’s version that didn’t required for using Unity
when i want to open the Unity editor 2020.3.9f1 in my Finder, it said that i need to update my Software upto OS X 10.13 while mine is OS X 10.11

and when i want to try update it from the appstore, it said that i can’t update it upper version, so i get stucked at OS X 10.11 because of my Mac is an older version (MacBook Pro 2009)

oh geez, yeah, on a 2009 MacBook Pro I would not recommend trying to use Unity 2020. Even on newer machines Unity 2020 runs like a pig, in my experience.

I suggest Unity 2019 at the newest, but on that machine, you might have to go back even further.

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The last Unity Editor supports 10.11 is 2018.4.
You can check what OSX is supported by which Unity version (you can select Unity version in the top-left corner):


I have MacBook M1 2020 and the same problem…

did you solve the problem?

(sorry for my English, Im Russian)
Okey, so how to solve it. You have to open at the same time “Unity hub” and “Unity”. It worked only on 2018.

My project is not solved

perhaps you have an older version of ox

Figured it out. I was having the same problem. The issue comes from the way mac treats programs. Just go to “Apple Logo” → “System Preferences” → “Security and Privacy” → “Full Disk Access” and click on the little lock in the bottom left. Enter your password and then check the box for “Unity Hub”. Should work after that. It did for me. Of course depending on your version of the OS you might have a somewhat different route to get to the specific permissions page, but that should point you in the right direction. I am using 11.4.

See my post from just a bit ago today

See my post from just a bit ago today

I have the exact same problem, but ‘Full Disk Access’ doesn’t exist in my privacy folder. Is it still a permissions problem?

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His did you get any solution?