Project Pure - New Technical Video

I have released a new tech demo of the game I have been working on for 1.5 months. Please leave any suggestions, comments or critique that comes to mind. Thanks. Also, if you wish to help me I am recruiting 3d modellers at this thread

Technical Video

Not bad! visuals need some work, though. Keep at it.

Cant view the video, its unlisted.

Graphics are obviously temporary until I find some suitable modellers. I have been only focusing on the technical part of the game.

You should be able to. Here is the video link if it helps


I was interestedd enough to watch the whole video, really dig this game scene i guess?

and here is just a few suggestions would love to see implemented

pulsating shields + bonus’s
variety of enemy types
faster slower waves of enemy
upgrade pickup’s
power station drops refuel
You can take over enemy power stations on foot combat possible ( change Camera view ) up close infantry

  • scroll speed differs clouds move faster than mountains
    layer -3 sky (clouds ) layer Scroll
    layer -2 Mountain Scroll
    layer -1 City building wreckage Scroll
    viewport 0

ambient combat + bombardment light flash’s to background layers
use cannons for heavy armoured and laser beams to vaporise infantary (brief flash of light skeleton then dust)