Project R-a-B: Cannot drag Count Text into PlayerController.cs

Hey, all. I’ve been following Project Roll-a-Ball, and I’m up to the Displaying Text video. I’ve run into a problem where I cannot drag the ‘Count Text’ game object into the PlayerController.cs script as shown in the video. The only thing I can see that might have gone wrong is in my version of Unity, I had to use Create Empty, Add Component, GUI Text to create my text. Perhaps that is why I cannot drop it into the script, since it expects GUI Text, not a game object containing GUI Text?

I am using Unity 5.0.0f4 Personal on Windows 7 64-bit, if that is relevant.

Just wanted to say I eventually solved this problem on my own. I was trying to drag from the hierarchy into the script while the script was in Assets. You’re meant to drag it into the script once it’s attached to something (the player).