Project Settings keeps appending {fileID: 0}

Not sure if it’s a specific WebGL issue but here it is. Our WebGL project keeps appending “{fileID: 0}” to the projectsettings.asset file. Seems to happen after each build.

Any idea why?

  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}
  - {fileID: 0}

Same here but we’re building for Windows. It keeps messing with our git repo. What’s going on ?

No idea but found that just removing them from time to time doesn’t have any ill effect.

Still, very weird. Using PlasticSCM, 2020.2 Beta (Happened in 2020.1 too), on Windows, WebGL.

That is really odd, haven’t heard about this before.

Looking at some of the test projects that I have been working on, none of those have accumulated entries in there. If you happen to find a way to repro, that would be awesome!

+1 for this, happened today after a variety of package updates.

+1 on this for us building on Android platform for Oculus VR. We’re using Unity 2019.4.11f1.

This may be an old post at this point but I am also experiencing this with Unity version 2019.4.13f1 and building for the universal windows platform

+1, still happening in 2020.3.2f1

Thanks for the reports, it is great to know that this is an issue. It would be helpful if someone is able to report a bug using a project where it consistently reproduces, since this one looks like it does not happen all the time.

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Submitted bug report #1332693.

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We have it occasionally as well. Are any of you using the new Input system?

I do.

Also, I’m pretty sure this only happens when building (Android build, Windows editor, 2020.3)

We’re on Both. I cannot pinpoint when it happens though.

Current project is WebGL with occasional standalone builds.

I am not keeping an active eye on it - to be honest - but I do see the list of preloaded assets increase now and then and seeing our inputsettings asset as the last entry in the list.

EDIT: Unity 2020.3.1 btw

Thanks, super appreciated!

I use the new InputSystem and it is only when building too

Fixed in Input System 1.1.0-preview.2

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And no, I still have the issue with Input System 1.2.0.

yup, same here

I filed a bug report but then cannot repro on their machines. Anybody managed to generate a project where they can repro even after a clean repository clone and/or copying the project to a different machine?

Note: my current machine is Linux, and the new line appears when I build for Windows, OSX or Linux

Yes, same here. Windows in my case, when building for Android.