Greetings to all readers of "Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity, by Sue Blackman [Apress]
Here is the “The Unofficial Projects Builds” Forum. My name is Lawrence Fletcher [zoneman]
Here you may post links you your builds, low-res screen shots, and comment to your progress with the book.
The builds may or may not include assets from the book. The builds ought to address the chapter stages and/or the complete game framework based on the book. The builds may include other functionality not included in the book. Nevertheless, the core focus ought to be directed to the books content. This means you can create whatever you want (especially where assets are concerned), as long as what you create includes the functionality expressed within the book. Verbatim, builds are welcome, as well as completely new “Designs”.
Welcome to the first scene of my Game. There isn’t much here right now, I have been putting the bones in place for my game’s first scene. It is a Pi Office in an office building. The PI Office is courtesy of, specifically R Publishing’s “Film Noir Detective’s Office”. There is a chest and it is courtesy Sue Blackman’s Assets.
The scripting for the door, safe and chest animation is a combination of a basic script provided by Sue Blackman and updated by myself to achieve a point and click activity.
The adventure game will be done in First Person. The navigation is as follows:
Up And Down arrows on the keyboard control forward and backward movement, as do the keys “w’ and “s”. While in motion the mouse controls the view. The right and left keys provide turn right and left and can be used in conjunction with the forward and backward keys. The “a” and “d” keys strafe left and right. The space key causes the view to jump. If you hold the shift key down, then the mouse will also control the view, as well as holding the right button of the mouse down will control the view. The arrow cursor disappears when in motion or when changing the view.
The action elements of the scene are the door handles, they will cause the doors to open. If you touch an open door, it will close. You can open it again by “touching” the door handle. The safe door works the same way, touch the handle, not the combination dial, and the door will open. Touch the open door and it will close. The chest lid will open and close when touched.
The outside door does not do anything, as of yet, you cannot get out.
That is all for now, this is a work in progress, and I have a lot to do, but I thought I would share with you what I have accomplished so far using Sue Blackman’s book.
I’m more of a graphics person than a game player but I enjoyed the speed of the camera look-around and the detail to the walls etc. I thought it took too long to load but that was most likely my connection rather than your game size.
Looks like a good start, Gene. But I kept trying to move the rock ,)
The environment looks like it will provide you with lots of interesting possibilities as you add more stuff to it.
Do you have access to a 3D modeling program yet? The reason I ask is that there are overlapping faces in the wall geometry over the doors- that’s what is causing those vertical flickering strips. Since they are both on the same plane, the renderer doesn’t know which to draw over the other. I see this a lot in CAD architectural models. If you already know all this, just ignore me
Anyway, look forward to watching you game progress!
I am aware of the over the door issue, I have daz3d, although I created the wall with blocks in Unity, and your right there is an overlap, and I will work on it later, I just wanted to get the basic scene in place and start adding stuff as I go along. I don’t like the water cooler, it is just a place holder for now. I just put the rock there and haven’t really done anything with it. I suspect I’ll use it for a place holder also, I figure to add some plotted plants and hide a key in one.
I have the lights in the individual rooms working of the the separate light switches now. In the main hallway the lights will always stay on. Had some issue with lights because I was using a floor that covered the entire building, and when I lit up one room the floor reflected through out the entire scene, so I had to break the down the floor to the individual rooms. I have published the new changes.
Daz 3D is a good starting point for modeling, after using it myself for a while I recommend Carrara or Carrara Pro if you can. Art of Illusion is a great FREE application that I think is way under-rated.
Hi All, I’ve been away for a while. I plan to keep the thread active. I have an idea that may inspire those who check out this section, and have some fun.
We could post a few screen shots every now and then to to wet the appetites of spectators, and speculators. I suggest, try to keeping the images small and sparse, so not to bog down the load time. I suggest no larger than 320 px X 240 px 72 dpi.
I’m contemplating using this book to help me create a game for my final year BA, but I only have 2 and a half months to do so, will that be enough time?
So in short: How long does it take to complete this book, working on it about 2-3 hours per day
You could finish the book in a weekend if you hunkered down and spent a lot of time with it, but 2-3 hours a day? might take you 2-4 weeks depending on how focused you are.
Hi all… I am going through the book now… I am upto Ch. 6 i am planning to create games for iOS so not sure how much of this is relative in regards to using the cursor as I am planning on finger gestures mostly.
I’ve been using 3DSMax since v2. Maya since V3.5 so modelling animation etc… is no problem… I am interested like many artists to get my creations into an interactive environment. Woud lbe neat to try walking through a zone in VR ( Sony HMZ-T1 ) would be nice…
Back to the book … so far it has been quite ok… up until I decided to download the 3gig file !! that is insanely huge ! Who would ever create such a huge file… . This should be broken up into chapters… I paid good money for the book and now I’m being flogged a shoddy file … sheer stupidity on the publishers side… the author should be at their throats regarding having it broken into manageable download sizes.
OK enough of the ranting raving… I’ll simply create my own game assets and make do… I sure hope I don’t get half way through and get stuck with 100 assets I must create to progress to make logic of the inventory later on.
one more question before I go on… is it really worth the effort going over cursor actions and GUI interfaces when I might simply use a gui designer from the asset store… ?
here’s a good tip … most designers use Photoshop to develop textures etc…
Just before you save an image in photoshop … use the sharpen filter once on the image especially after resizing an image. All professionals do this … try it … you’ll see a diffiernece in Quality… I just used it on my cursor … before import… now it looks sharp and nice… and only 32x 32 in size.
managed to get a personalised cursor operating … issues with it changing color though …
I get an error " can not convert System.Type to UnityEngine.Color "