Some of us technically new to coding, have played Project Spark and just about mastered code in it’s formalities. But switching to type of code can be very frustrating, as I am learning myself. I wish this question, and answer would have been asked and answered, for me, many days ago…
How can I duplicate Project Sparks simple functions of started to, while, and no longer?
NOTE: I will not set my answer as true, if someone has a better method, that doesn’t use more statements and if’s than mine does
In the case of BUTTON PRESSED
int frames_A;
bool bool_A;
void Update(){
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.A)) {
if (bool_A != true) // To maximize performance per frame
bool_A = true; // bool is only called once
if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.A)) {
frames_A = 0; // part 1 of no longer if question
if (bool_A == true) // part 2 of no longer if question
When_A ();
private void When_A(){
if (frames_A < 2) { // A was pressed do 1 frame of Logic...
// Logic...
// Logic...
// Etc...
if (frames_A < 16) { // A is held down less than a 1/4 second
// Logic...
// Logic...
// Etc...
} else { // A is held down more than 1/4 second
// Logic...
// Logic...
// Etc...
if (frames_A == 0) { // A is no longer pressed
// Logic...
// Logic... <-- NOTE
// Etc...
bool_A = false; // Stop all calls from A Button
} //NOTE: if any other DoSomething(); is called here, it
} // it will still run, example 'foreach unit in game'
// until it is done thinking...