The Project View has long been needlessly cluttered since the 2018.2 version because Assets and Packages folders are always shown even when they are completely redundant.
Hide Packages Button currently can help to hide the contents of the Packages folder, but I suggest to tweak it to simply show only the contents of the Assets folder just like before.
It would give the option to revert back to the old simple view, while effectively hiding the packages folder and simplify project view operations like drag and dropping etc.
The package toggle doesn’t necessarily hide all packages. Packages can set hideInEditor to false in their project.json to make the package show up irrespective of this toggle.
I also personally like to have the Assets folder show up, this allows ctrl/alt-clicking its disclosure triangle to quickly collapse/expand everything under it recursively.
All the more reasons to give us an option to force focus into /Assets/
You should still have the option to do your folder arrow operations.
I just thought the Packages Toggle could already be used for that, otherwise a window context toggle could also be fine.