Project window uses two separate fonts in left and right sections. Font in the left section of the Project window is the same sharp, big and visible font as in other parts of the Unity editor. Font in the right section of the Project window is much smaller than the normal font, it is not sharp, it is for some reason very blurred and not readable.
See the first screenshot.

The small blurred font in the right section becomes really unusable when I try to rename something in the right section. See the second screenshot how it looks.

The questions are following.
- Why does Project window use separate fonts in the same UI element and one of them is not readable ?
- How do I change the blurred font to a normal font as in other parts of the UI ?
Thank you.
It looks like this bug is intentional. I have found an old thread ( link ) where people say the same thing about previous versions of the editor. It looks like, Unity 6 is repeating the same mistakes which were made in previous versions of the editor. And this, unfortunetely, makes me stop using the editor, even though I considered it to be better then Unreal Engine editor.
I will simply quote two of the messages of that thread. If you can read, please read and think.
For the love of god, bring back the original text rendering please. Or at least add a switch.
I don’t understand why we have to deal with such bullshit.
Unusable, can’t look at blurry or oversharpen texts whole day.
Unfortunately, this is my final attempt to study Unity in the year 2024.
I hope that the editor will become better in the 7-th version.
Thank you.
Accidentally I have found a video containing one of the old versions of Unity editor where all the fonts look good and sharp even with a small font size. On this page ( link ) there is a “video” with normal fonts in the UI.

No stupid blurring in Unity 2018. Even small fonts are visible on dark grey background which is quite terrible actually, but even there everything looks not blurred. What happened to the UI in later versions ?
Is it so difficult to revert the fonts back to the state when they worked ?
The better solution would be to allow users to change the font family, font size and disable blurring, like it is done in the Blender editor. I hope that some day some one will hear our words.
Thank you.