Project won't open from Unity Hub

I have a project that won’t open from the Hub or from a scene file. The unity splash screen comes up and then disappears after a short while. This started in 2019.3.15f1 and I updated to 2019.4.0f1 but that had no effect. Currently the only way I’ve been able to open the project is to delete the Library folder and then open it from Hub but this reimports all the assets which takes about an hour.

I’ve tried deleting the lock file in the Temp folder but this doesn’t work either.
I’ve reinstalled Unity.
I’ve tried opening the scene file while another project is open.
I’ve tried moving the project to a different drive.

Is this project just corrupt or something?

having the same issue sucks …i did get it going from a utube vid but cant remember the steps again lol:)