Projector bug after upgrading to 5.4 (Solved)

Hi there.
i have just upgraded from 5.3 to 5.4. but after i opened my project again, i noticed my projectors were acting weird.
as you can see, the projected image is being projected in front of my canvas and not behind, like it did before upgrading. i tried to re-import the projector assets but that didn´t work.

has anyone any clue why this is happening ?

I had to re-Import the projector assets to fix them from 5.3 - > 5.4
There is probably a new version out!

thanks, i actually did that in the first place. i delete all the standard assets folder and re-imported the projector assets but the bug still remained. i also checked the unity version. i got the 5.4.0f3 which is also the one they got on their website.
but thanks :slight_smile:

Have you fixed it yet? Can you post a screenshot of the projector material and the projector setup?

hi, no sorry. i have been trying with pre buildt projectors and they all give me the same problem. what i did discover is that if i put my canvas into screen space overlay, my projectors work. but then all my other scripts won´t work because i rely on having my canvas at the same place as my camera. so at the moment the screen space camera won´t work with the projectors. my material setup is very similar to the pre buildt ones, also the setup it made with a empty gameobject with the projector component on. and using the projector material.
2754369--198685--projector.png 2754369--198686--projector_material.png 2754369--198687--projector_texture.png

Hello guys, just thought i would close this post.
i recently just solved my problem by switching my UI canvas to a 2d canvas. next i created an empty screenspace canvas that i now use for different things. which means that the projectors are no longer projecting through my UI texture :slight_smile:

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