Projector help

Hello to everyone,
at this moment I am becoming crazy trying to accomplish this thing:

  • I need to render a texture over a terrain

I tried with a projector by myself, but with no fortune at all: zero results. All I get is a portion of the terrain with some sort of shadow on it (the image on the texture never appeared).

I even tried to modify the Lerpz tutorial, changing the texture of the blob shadow projector, but nothing happens.

Can someone show me the way? Many thanks

You probably need to check the “build alpha from grayscale” option on the texture’s importer.

When in doubt, go into the standard assets, find the blob-shadow folder, and look at the texture import settings for the Shadow cookie. You’ll see it’s set to clamp, and to “build Alpha From Grayscale” checkbox.

It is probably either somthing so easy, all of us noobs are missing it, or else something that we aren’t doing right.

I also tried to create a projected texture, specifically over a terrain too, but I also had some very strange results. I posted my ‘please help me I’m a noob’ post in the support forum, which I guess was the wrong forum, because I didn’t get any response.

Let me know if you get it working simone007