Projects and memory on the iPhone

I had thought that objects/textures/materials which were in your PROJECTs folder were only involved in an iPhone deployment if they were currently referred to in code or the project itself.

I am beginning to think this is not the case. I have had a series of memory warnings from the Instruments tools reporting that I had used 50+MB and had 1.x MB free.

So - today I took my life in my hands and cleared out some of the ‘clutter’ from my project folder, removing stuff which never made the final game.

A new build and memory monitor using Instruments now suggested I have 10MB more to play with! In the game itself I have actually made one of the textures bigger so there should be less.

This leads me to think that ANYTHING inside your project folder could be included in a deployment - I may be wrong but I can’t explain this sudden memory free message I am getting in instruments now.

Can anyone confrim or deny tis absolutely please - based on personal experience? It would certainly help clarify a few things during the dev process for iPhone.

Can you clarify Projects folder? Do you mean the Assets folder of the Unity project?


Yes I had a lot of extra assets in the Assets folder, which I have now removed. This seems to have reduced my game footprint by around 10MB.

I have to also say that yestewrday with the help of Neil Carter on the IRC I found that I did have 6 corrupt textures. These have now also been replaced and my game is suddenly a lot less ‘heavy’ feeling when you play it.

What do you mean by ‘corrupt textures’? Unsupported import settings or corrupted files?

I tried to remove unused textures in one of our projects but didn’t see any changes in memory use… are you sure nothing else changed?


well it wasn’t just textures - I had extra prefabs and meshes in there too, and maybe even some extra sound clips. I just had a general clear out and was surprised to find some improvement.

The textures which were corrupt stayed hidden from me for a week or so, because presumably they were cached in Unity. It wasn’t until I tried to compress them to see if I could get any memory improvement there, that I discovered during my conversion from ‘480 x 320’ to ‘512 x 512’ they somehow became corrupt.