Hi, I’m making a render graph based custom render pipeline
Until now, in order to be able to draw anything to the screen at all, I imported the backbuffer using :
RenderTargetIdentifier cameraRT = camera.targetTexture != null ? new RenderTargetIdentifier(camera.targetTexture) : BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget;
resourceData.BackBufferColor = renderGraph.ImportBackbuffer(cameraRT);
This worked until now, but I want to enable native render passes, which requires me to provide additional information about the backbuffer in the form of a RenderTargetInfo
Despite the core RP library doc repeatedly mentionning this I have not found one single helper function to get that information, and the URP source code is just far too complex, spreading the initialization of that data across several functions that take into account things not relevant to me yet like XR support
Can anyone tell me what the bare minimum required code is to get that RenderTargetInfo, filled with the information Unity expects?
Also, if anybody knows of any good resource for custom RP development I am interested, as I’ve had quite a few issues with vital information about custom RP development being undocumented