Proper way to pass the actual property of a class in a argument?

Sorry for the stupid question but what would be the way to pass the actual class property in an argument so I can set generic class properties from inside a function, here is the example:

// I don't know how to pass the actual refrence of Bar.property1 or 
// Bar.property2 like a pointer to the value like in C++
// Bar bar = new Bar()
// Foo (bar.property1);
// Foo (bar.property2);

public void Foo(Bar property)
    // How to set the actual value of property1 in Bar? from the argument?
    // So that a property in the Bar class will be set to 5.
    property = 5f;

public class Bar : MonoBehaviour
    public float property1;
    public float property2;

I don’t want to set it like this:

public void Foo(float property)
    Bar bar = new Bar();
    bar.property1 = 5f;

Because I am creating a dynamic GUI system that calls for this.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!

I found it out, you have to use ref

Foo (ref Bar.property1);
Foo(ref float property)
    property = 22f;

public class Bar
    public float property1;