Property Drawer toggles working between the UI and the item.

I think this might be a simple problem. I have a custom property drawer for a script and most of the variables are linked. I also have two toggles in the property drawer, only one of which can be active at a time that expand the inspector height. The problem I am having is trying link matching bool values in the inspected item to the UI inspectors bool values. My main question is how to access a bool in the inspected script from the property drawer without drawing said bool value.

This is the code for the toggles in the property drawer:

bool weaponFold;
bool armorFold;
    public override void OnGUI(Rect _pos, SerializedProperty _prop, GUIContent _label)
        ToggleWepon(EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(wepFoldRectLabel, "Weapon", weaponFold));
        ToggleArmor(EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(armorFoldRectLabel, "Armor", armorFold));

    public void ToggleWepon(bool toggle)
        if (toggle)

        weaponFold = toggle;


    public void ToggleArmor(bool toggle)
        if (toggle)

        armorFold = toggle;

Is there any way for me to assign my armorFold & weaponFold variables to the armor & weapon bool variables of the drawn script?

I would say what you need is:

SerializedProperty weaponBool = property.FindPropertyRelative(“Weapon”);

weaponBool.boolValue = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(wepFoldRectLabel, “Weapon”, weaponFold);