PropertyAttribute/PropertyDrawer no longer seems to work on items in an array

So as the title says all property drawer attributes seem to be ignored on items in an array. An easy test case for this is the following:

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float[] m_floats;

That used to expose in the inpsector as an array of sliders now the range attribute is ignored. This seems to have been broken before or at alpha 7 (and is still not working in alpha 9), not sure if it was working in alphas before then but it was working in 2019.1

Could you please submit a bug report for this issue and reply in here with the issue ID?

Can you paste an image of what you were seeing before (i.e. 2019.1) compared to now?


Here’s what I am seeing:

I’ll run a bisection and see when the issue was introduced.

Bug report submitted. My issue ID is: 1140241

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Thanks for the report! We have a fix in review. Unity Issue Tracker - PropertyAttribute does not work when used on items in an array