Hi there, It’s the time again to offer you guys some nice bargains and great deals. We’re offering 50% OFF on all our models and packs on the Asset Store.
Also, Animals Full Pack will see its priced reduced later this month.
I have so many of these already … but man, you’ve done such a great job fixing up some of the old models, I think I’m going to buy a few more. At least two.
Another example of what you can get:
Mountain Dragon is currently available at $17.45 instead of $34.90, this new upgraded version will be available tomorrow and also part of the Fantasy Lizards pack available at $62.45 instead of $124.90 (includes 5 characters, almost 3 upgraded to V2.0 with the upcoming mountain Dragon)
I have no idea if it works with his plug in. Are there any requirements for his plug in to work?
Glad you’re enjoying some of the upgraded models. Thanks for your support.
if you already own the fantasy creatures volume 1 or the fantasy lizards pack then you’ll just have to wait till next week. It will be updated with the upgraded mountain dragon and the upgraded Hydra (currently in animation state), then you’ll just have to download the latest version of the pack.
Hydra upgraded version will look like this:
I had bought some of the collection 1 creatures from the other store (ogre, warewolf, evil watcher, demon, oak tree ent) and probably will get individual the dragon and hydra and probably the new troll as well, all three look amazing
Will tree ent and ogre get an upgrade as well ? Also i had got the links in email from the Protofactor store, can i get these updates as well or would be best to buy from the Unity store again ?
All the 60 creatures from volume 1 and 2 will be upgraded. Some with a bigger face lift than others. So yes, ogre and tree ent will be upgraded, those two will have a huge face lift as well.
Can you contact us via PM and give us the email address you used to place your orders. New download links will be sent to you for the evil Watcher and the demon lord.
deal of the day: Heroic Fantasy Bosses Volume 1 $49.95 instead of $99.90 for 5 Epic bosses (includes a 6th character: mini spawned worm)
deal of day: Wyvern is at $17.45 instead of $34.90
Thanks a lot for the support on this sale so far, this will help us continuing doing our best to provide you guys with assets being the highest quality we can do.