Proton Star

Thsi is our first WIP post and wanted to introduce our new game Proton Star. Destined for VR, this game is a fast paced arcade game that puts you in the role of a highly charged particle beam. Destroy enemies, avoid targets, collect power-ups on your way to creating spectacular collisions!

We also wanted to say thanks to the foum members who post on these forums. We are veteran game and 3D artists, but are new to Unity. The support on the Unity forums is incredible and as time goes on, we hope to participate more ourselves.

Our game is coming along nicely. We have a PC, Tablet and a VR demo, 4 complete levels and 5 more to create. Everything is fluid and we are adapting as we get more feedback. We ran a beta test for the desktop demo which went pretty well and we feel that we are starting to hammer out something interesting.

Please feel free to provide constructive feedback and contact us here: if you have an iOS device and would like to help us test. We are looking to be in TestFlight by the end of February.

We have got a few comments about more complex and interesting enemies and are working on some new artwork and challenges. The game will be available for desktop and tablet/mobile, but is really at its best in VR.

Here is a link to our game company page on IndieDB and our game page.

Thanks again to all who help with these forums. Unity is a great game develoepment platform, and much of that has to do with the community!

So working on interface design today. We spent a bit of time on the VR interface. This proved to be a bit of a challenge. It meant building everything as world space canvases - and using a different mechanic for the various selections.

The screenspace UI has also now been updated to include high scores, the in-app purchase levels, music credits and a way to get into VR mode. There are other screens but they are all pretty similar. Challenges need to be completed before moving forward, but once you fisnish a level you can always go back to try to improve scores.

We are editing a trailer which shows the experience a little better. We will be uploading that as well shortly.

This snake will damage the player with electricity if it gets too close, a bit of as flying spark plug, if you will. Probably go with a chrome finish and glowing center.

A technical note for 3d Max artsts out there, if you animate objects aliong a path, in the motion panel->trajectories you can collapse the transform, which will bake the motion into keys which imports into Unity nicely.