Ps Vita Support?

Hi all,
Now that the Ps Suite Open Beta has started, how long until we can develop Ps Vita content in Unity 3D? I know Escape Plan was built in Unity so it cant be too far away, right?
Many Thanks.

For us, likely never :frowning: for rich people, a few months ago :smile:

EDIT: Oh this is not just like normal games, maybe soon must be similar to Android for it to run on phones.

But i think 3ds would be a better option.

PS Developer program is here:

Downloading now myself to have a look. This is a good move by Sony. And yeah, now that Sony are doing this what does that mean for PS3, PS VITA dev using Unity3D?

Unite 12 maybe?

Sony is about to deliver a new SDK (free beta downloadable for now, 99$ year fee later)

We could imagine, that Unity follows that path by integrating Sony’s Platform in Build options :

could be great :wink:

Outputting directly from Unity3D to Psp,Vita, or 3DS would be a dream.

Use PSn and whatever 3Ds has,…do they have something like that?

I have to ask the question, is the Vita a viable platform for the future?
Everybody has an iPhone or Android phone nowadays, with a huge variety of free gaming options, oh and it can be used as a phone.

So is this platform really viable?

I don’t think the Vita will last, but I would certainly pay for the option to build to it.

Viable for who?

The platform will likely keep going for a year or two.

One thing to keep in mind is how ecosystems can work. You see, people in Android platform are way less likely to pay for the same game that an iOS user would pay 99c for.

On that same note, PSVita users are more likely to pay $30+ for a game.

This means large studios are more likely to go for that platform than phones, at least for bigger development projects.

Things will likely be very different in 2 years, though, but 2 years is a lot of time.

Is the platform a viable platform that will sell and do well and be well supported in the future?
With the looming competition of the iOS and Android devices out there, I just don’t see it.

I haven’t looked at sales figures or anything but that’s just something I wonder.
From a development perspective I assume to get onto the platform your game needs to be basically AAA.

And yay for 1000 posts :roll_eyes:

If unity group wants to be open to supporting platforms that could handle the engine, don’t see why it would be a bad idea for a indie dev being able to create a fun original game. I’d be open to creating a game with a small team for a platform with physical buttons.

If the platform gets more releases that are as good as Gravity Rush and a price drop then don’t see why someone should be prevented from buying one. But I’m not sold on the vita making a big deal on ports and sequels as the nintendo 3DS is currently, which seems to prevent both handhelds from becoming great platforms. So if a person wants something out of the ordinary, they’d have to look elsewhere.

Once Call of Duty, Bioshock and Monster Hunter launch on the platform, they will start to sell a lot of units. And with E3 coming up I see a lot of Sony first party Vita announcements of the same quality as Gravity Rush. Also from now until the launch of the PS4, probably late in 2013, Sony will probably focus a lot of their efforts on pushing the Vita.
Many people have both a smartphone and a tablet for a reason. They each do different things better. The same can be said for the Vita. And don`t forget Sony will be pushing the Vita as a controller with the PS4s release.
I feel now really is a good time to start establishing a presence on the PSN Store.

In all honesty, I would like to see Windows Phone support. That’s my phone, so I can actually test the games. I might order a cheap Android off of EBay and develop for android down the road, but I refuse to put money in Apple’s pocket.

I don’t doubt its games :smile: only that it cannot stand against the 3DS for a few reasons(the vita has its goods to but the 3ds has allot more, i don’t necessarily dislike the vita but i can see why its not so popular):

1.Backwards compatibility of the 3ds is all DSI games and almost all DS games(minus ones that use the GBA cartridge)
2.The 3ds is hardier and the clam shell design makes it more sturdy(Parents care about this).
3. Kids prefer Mario kart over bio shock
4. Nintendo has nothing else to do then sell Wii’s Wii-u and 3ds so sense Sony has less to loose then Nintendo i think Nintendo will always do a better job(At selling them).
5.3D!!! <----- boom and sell millions
6.First party games(these could hold the system(and i think they are)) they have something for everyone :smile: this list isent even near all of them!
6.1 Zelda, perfect game for your RPG needs
6.2 Mario, perfect game if you just wanto play a game for a few hours
6.3 Super SmashBros, perfect game if you want to verse your mates
6.4 Mario Kart,Same as above as that is what most people want to do
6.5 Kid Icarus, Hard core destroying
6.6 Animal Crossing, a nice peaceful game but is still fun :smile:
6.7 Metroid prime, for those FPS nuts
7. Price, it costs like 1/2 as much its a no brainer.

That is not possible :frowning: due to no native code, unless Microsoft lets us use native code we cant build for WP7.

The licensing would probably be as expensive as a PS3 or Xbox license. And your title would most likely be AAA.
How many Xbox and PS3 titles have been released made with Unity? One PS3 title I know of.

Don’t think it would make sense for UT to even bother. There just aren’t enough developers for these platforms for them.

Titanty… you say you doubt it’s games but you go to list mostly games as the 3DS advantages!

The non-game centric points you bring dont make that much sense. The clamshell design is actually a deterrant to me, makes the 3DS feel bulkier than it should be, and I never seen a parent pick a gaming system based on their concerns, just based on their child’s complaints.

The point about Nintendo having nothing else to do other than the Wii also make no much sense, Sony’s gaming branch is solely dedicated to the PlayStation brand.

The 3D seems to actually be a bit of a gimick and is indeed turned off by many for all non-Nintendo games.

Price is a valid point, though.

The Vita had a decent lauch thanks to software. Games like Uncharted make some gamers want a Vita. The problem is that Uncharted is a title only serious gamers care about and Sony does not seem to own a child-friendly property that’s even close to Nintendo’s, much less one that Adults also care for. Ratchet Clank is OK, but it has not the power of Mario or Sonic.

A lot of personal opinion here but you`re entitled to it:

1.Most PSP games are available for download on the PSN with the full library on the way.

  1. The Vita is possibly the stronger handheld on the market. Case in point :
    Plus Sony devices have the best ergonomic design over any other company in the market.

  2. A stereotype but slightly unavoidable here. Girls and those who want nostalgia want to play Mario Kart. Boys, who is still the majority of the hardcore market, want to race fast cars Grand Turismo, shoot guns Call of Cuty and have epic adventures Bioshock, Monster Hunter. The numbers on those titles do not lie and when they launch on the Vita (as they are already scheduled to do), it could cause the Vita to explode.

  3. Sony Computer Entertainment is dedicated only to their first parties and the PSN. One of the main problems at Sony is that each of their divisions are too focused on themselves.

  4. 3D is not popular at all outside of the movie theater and one of the main reasons Sony`s TV division is in dire straits. If you like 3D definitely check out the Sony 3D Personal headset. I LOVE it!

6.Here are some comparable genre titles from the ones you listed.
6.1 Ki no Kuni, White Knight Chronicles, Gravity Rush
6.2 LittleBigPlanet, Modnation Racers, SingStar
6.3 Uncharted, Twisted Metal
6.4 Motorstorm, Gran Turismo
6.5 God of War. Infamous, Metal Gear Solid
6.6 Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian, The Last of Us
6.7 Killzone, Resistance, MAG, Unit 13
They are all established, exclusive franchises and the list most definitely goes on.
If Sony could actually get some decent marketing behind their titles they would definitely sell better numbers.

  1. The 3DS was the same price as the Ps Vita when it launched 12 months ago with no games. The Vita has possibly the best launch line-up in any consoles history and it only launched 3 months ago. Its also far more powerful and mufti-faceted than the 3DS. And dont forget it will double as a control on the PS4s launch (a controller than can go with you anywhere as apposed to the Wii Us controller), it has cross-gaming, far superior Augmented Reality, 3G functionality, Skype, Facebook, Photo storage, Music Unlimited, Video Unlimited etc. etc. And with Kaz Hirais new initiatives we will only see more and better services coming to the PSN.

Nintendo is a clever and profitable company with some popular established franchises, but please take Playstation seriously if you ever want to see this industry grow beyond casual games. We are still in our infancy after all. Gamification of companies and education is barely getting off the ground and there is still noone doing subscription based game services. Its still very very early days.

The big deal about Ps Suite is that it`s only $99 for a yearly subscription and thus practically open for anyone to develop for.

Rochard is a good example of a Unity game on the PS3. Escape Plan is a good example of Unity on the Ps Vita.

If your talking about PSN content for PS ericson droids or Vitas, do recall seeing a report from a news site(don’t remember the URL) but mentioned the PS suite SDK as well as licensing would be priced at 2000-2500 USD total. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Is it restricted to win xp,vista, 7, 8? Cause if not, I’d like to try the beta.

(I’m debating for the 3DS I’m not a fan boy and could argue the other way as well but it wouldn’t help my case :))

  1. Yes but you have to buy them again don’t you?
    2.Fair enough, but i was more talking about the dropping it on a piece of gravel and scratching the screen and that isent possible with the 3ds, although it in fact dose scratch its own screen.
    3.Monster hunter 3g and monster hunter 4 are coming for 3ds so its not as though one can claim that that will help as the 3ds is going to get the sales as well.
    4.I don’t know enough on the matter to give an opinion :smile:
    5.Maybe so but i certainly think young kids like the 3d at least when they buy one then maybe later the greatness wears of. but it truly is a great experience watching the Nintendo videos in 3d :smile: Shawn the sheep.

  2. Comparable? no! none of them are as famous nore have as much of a loyal fan base as the ones i listed :stuck_out_tongue:
    6.1 I couldn’t find anything on that first game, the second game only got 5.1/10 on ign, and the third one is not out yet, these are opposed to the 9.5 that oot 3d got(It wouldn’t be fair to compare them to the 10/10 that Skyward sword has)
    6.2None of them are out yet, only little big planet 1 got the same as Super Mario 3D Land(9.5/10)
    6.3 Uncharted is not a similar game and although Uncharted 3 has a higher score i would think that super smash bros has a much higher fan base within the gaming community and out
    6.4, Mario kart is better (9/10)
    6.5, Maybe god of war, but Kids cant play that game… Infamous again it is in a different category as it is rated M and Metal Gear Solid is also for the 3ds so it cant be compares
    6.6 AHH what? i take it that that’s a joke?
    6.7 Maybe.
    These are not first party, most of them are 2nd party (Minus metal gear) but this is not the same as Sony dose not see every dollar they make

  3. Yes but now the 3ds is half the price(here in Australia) Power DOES not matter, as the smartest guy ever in video games said(Hiroshi Yamauchi) he believed that users “do not play with the game machine itself. They play with the software, and they are forced to purchase a game machine in order to use the software. Therefore the price of the machine should be as cheap as possible.” So true. No one said it will double as a ps4 controller it is no more likely then the 3DS being a Wii-u controller. It dose not have superior augmented reality it hardly even can be classed as augmented reality as its not 3d, its just shoving a picture on the screen over a card but the 3ds it looks like its actually standing on the card.
    Ever herd of a SD card then you can store all you 3D videos, 3D images and recording on. I think you can go on Facebook on the 3ds.

You are most definitely the worst kind of fan there is. The kind that obviously doesn’t want any platform to exist outside of their own. I care about the industry as a whole and every part of it for what it achieves. There are reasons why I like some platforms more than others.

Smartphones: I don’t appreciate 90% of smartphone games because they contribute to OCD and devalue the evolution of high-end content and new experiences. Of course some content has introduced innovative touch mechanics and the rare few have also integrate education as a gameplay mechanic which is awesome. However they are still very few and far between and nothing has kept me playing for more than an hour total. If you have recommendations, please let me know.

XBOX: Microsoft has literally abandoned the hard-core gamer. Before the smart-phone and Wii were released there was a sizable gaming market and that market hasn’t gone anywhere. However now that the casual gamer is on the rise Microsoft has completely abandoned the hard-core gamer and instead is using the medium as a testing ground for their own casually-targeted tech in development so they can make the quick buck. I am still to see a truly respectable use of the Kinect technology in any title. The new voice control integration of Kinect into Skyrim seems to be the first useful and practical example of Kinect I have seen. I am looking forward to the possibilities this tech will bring in the future but it is still far too early for a commercial release. I understand the popularity of their hard-core flagship franchises, Halo and Gears of War. However I could never get into Halo’s narrative and while I would like to try Gears of Wars, I have never had the chance. I also respect the standard for online connectivity they established, however they no longer have any serious lead in this field, especially for the price they are asking.

Nintendo: I used to love Nintendo and have all their systems prior to the Wii. I even have a DS for language study software. However, the last original IP from Nintendo was Pikmen in 2001. They have been repackage the same games for over 10 years. The hardware of the Wii, like the Kinect was released far too early and delivered a half-assed experience. Only the Motion-plus controller actually achieved their original product claim more than 5 years later. Anyone who says that graphics don’t matter is flat-out lying because you would greatly appreciate any Zelda or Mario game with more detailed textures, depth of field, adaptive tessellation, displacement mapping, shadowing, particle effects, reflections and lighting. Of course graphics are not the only thing, but should be at the core of any game development. Nintendo is a traditionally minded Japanese company who think only children should play games and treat their audience as such. The most innovative gameplay worth noting, in my opinion, this last decade was Paper Mario in 2001, Zelda: Windwalker in 2002, Odama in 2006 and Super Mario Galaxy in 2007 . The company has literally not taken a single risk during the entire life-cycle of the Wii and hasn’t contributed anything to the industry as a whole. I really hope the Wii U can do something to push the industry forward, but it just isn’t looking that way right now. Kid Icarus is the first risk of any kind I have seen Nintendo take in years, as far as introducing a new gameplay mechanic to one of their franchises, but they are still doing it within the comfortable constraints of an established 20 year old name. I would be interested to play Pandora’s Tower, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story but they are partnered games, not first party and are hardly innovative.

PC: PC has surprisingly made a huge comeback in the last 4 years with the growing success of Steam and the growing number of Indie developers. Steam has also managed to greatly combat piracy by delivering a high quality service that many gamers value over a free pirated copy. Also they have managed to make prices very competitive. PC is now a major contender in the gaming market as everyone has a PC and a lot of the games are really innovative and inspiring. There are many PC games I play, I just prefer to play from the comfort of my couch on my big TV if there is a choice.

Sony: SCE is hands down the most important single company in the game industry today. They take risks, invest in innovative projects and help push the industry in an important direction, forward. The PS3 was expensive at launch and without launch titles. A huge misstep. But they did that solely to use their position in the industry, at the time, to help push the quality of gaming experiences forward.

In the last 4 years they have invested in the following innovative titles, this is not their complete list of first-party exclusives, just the most innovative ones I personally enjoyed:

Heavy Rain: An actual interactive movie with true cinematic production values.
Little Big Planet: A game that Obama pushed into schools and libraries because it taught children programming inside the game itself.
MAG: 256 player playing simultaneously on a single map.
Journey: Probably the best example of gaming as art available today.
PixelJunk Shooter: Real time interaction between solids, liquids and gases.
Tumble: Still the best proof-of-concept of any motion controller today and a ton of fun.
Flower: One of the most respected and impressive examples of immersion available in gaming.
The Eye of Judgement: Still the best existing example of Augmented Reality in Gaming. A game I played to death.
Modnation Racers: Allows you to create and share your own content.
Motorstorm: The dynamic environments present in “Apocalypse” in particular, resulted in the most fun I’ve ever had in a racing game.
Killzone: Very bland campaign but set the bar for visual prowess for several years.
Singstar: Karaoke in every home with impressive community functionality and expansive song lists.
Eyepet: An impressive merge of Augmented Reality and AI.

BTW, these are all NEW franchises that were introduced during the PS3 s life-cycle. It can do more than repackage existing games but it does that well too. For example, Twisted Metal, Gran Turismo, Starhawk, Sly Cooper, Rachet and Clank, God of War, etc.

I`ve already argued the advantages of the Ps Vita and PSN.

All the games I listed previously were in fact developed by Sony`s first party studios, except for Metal Gear, Ni no Kuni, Modnation Racers, White Knight Chronicles and Twisted Metal.

As for what I classify as good games, they all depend on who I am. I’m a 30 year old male living in Tokyo. I develop games in my free time and have many game industry friends. When I play a game I want an artistic, cinematic or clever experience that either moves me emotionally or teaches me something. I have no interest in nostalgia, scores or sales numbers. I read reviews regularly but never champion someone else’s opinion until I have one of my own. I can not stand Mario Kart and think it is possibly the worst racing game ever made. It handles poorly and has boring tracks that are designed for preteens. Plus it’s so colorful and cliche I feel like I’m watching the telly-tubbies. But that’s my opinion, if you like it, more power to you. Uncharted is currently my favorite series with Heavy Rain and Infamous a close second. Other stand-outs are Batman, Assassins Creed, Dark Souls, LA Noire, Skyrim, Closure, White Knight Chronicles (A game I spent more than 400 hours with. Not because it was a bad game), Dead Nation, Portal 2, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, and Bayonetta.

If you think I’m the only one with these opinions and tastes you are sorely mistaken, just like I know you are not the only one that enjoys Nintendo’s content. I’m glad your platform of choice is profitable but it doesn’t make mine any less meaningful or successful in its own fields. I do not in any way wish Nintendo did not exist, I just wish they would get out of the rut they have been in the last decade like the majority of Japan`s gaming industry.

Don’t assume to tell me what to play and don’t look down on other companies who are trying to achieve something more important than financial gain.