Ps3/xbox develop

Hello goodnight, I wonder what it takes to make and have to develop games for the PS3/Xbox. It takes some part of Unity3D's license or part of the Sony PS3 to be able to develop bundled applications / games? If so what procedure to follow? Where should I go? etc.. I have no idea how any of this all is tied together but I thought that if the licenses shall go through the prices be a little high, if this is the case where I know the prices per license and any procedure to be able to develop for Unity3D with PS3/Xbox etc..


From the FAQ page:

"I would like to develop for a console such as Xbox360, PS3, or Nintendo Wii. What do I need? Console publishing is not included with Unity Pro-- you will need a special Unity license for each platform on a per-title basis. First, you will need to be a registered developer with the console manufacturer or license holder, such as Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo. After you are registered and approved by the console manufacturer, you will need their devkit hardware and software tools. At that point you can purchase a console license from Unity Technologies for use on a per-title basis. Please use our contact form"

Also see a previously answered question with a link.

I'm not sure how much the PS3 developer kit is going to cost, but if you're an individual developer without a bigger budget, you should probably not even contact the Unity Sales department (as in "it's too expensive"). Licensing is per title and will probably be tailored to the licensee's specific case/requirements. Don't expect it to be cheap.