PS4 & Switch Pro Controller not working (Steam & Bluetooth)

Hello everyone,

I just tried the new Input System which is incredibly easier to understand than the old one keep up the great work ! I had an issue unresolved for a month now.

I use version 1.0.1 - November 24, 2020

I have two Bluetooth controllers : Switch Pro from Power A and PS4 Dualshock
In order to make them work, I use Steam to connect them to the laptop
I succesfully connected and detected the two of them (with custom layout for Switch one) and tried to make them work. However, their input debugger shows a mess where all inputs are changing with aberrant values while I Donā€™t even touch the controller. I tried to look at the HID descriptor which contains 3000 elements, which is clearly Strangeā€¦.

I upload a picture of the debugger.
It seams that Steam modify the HID of the gamepads, and unity cannot read it. Steam is one of the greatest platform of video game and I want to share my game on it, this has to work.

This bug occurs with some of the most sold gamepads of the market, it would be a huge deception for me to modify all the inputs of my project. If someone had the same problem, Iā€™ll appreciate a tips

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Same problem.
package version 1.0.1 and unity 2020.1.14

I think new input system cannot read correctly bluetooth connected controller.
It seems to be able to read when my dualshock connected using usb.

I tried to check input actions like this:

InputSystem.onActionChange += (o, change) => Debug.Log($"{o} | {change}");

But, no events were called except the left stick.

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Same here and itā€™s weird because I was just using my Switch pro controller with the new input system a couple weeks ago and it was working fine. =\ Gonna try an earlier version of Unity I guess and see if that was it.

ā€“ Edit ā€“
I will add that Iā€™m not using Steam, just opening Unity (all recent versions) and using the new Input System package. Then I check the Input Debugger for my SwitchProControllerHID (connected via Bluetooth) and I get a bunch of buttons and stick values randomly and rapidly getting ā€˜pressedā€™.

And as I mentioned above, not sure if this is Unity or the controller because it did work fine in a project a few weeks ago. I opened the exact same project with nothing in Unity changed, and all of a sudden it doesnā€™t work. But at the same time, the OP is seeing this same behaviour with multiple controllers so . . .

I really do love the new input system and was looking forward to learning more of it so I hope this issue is resolved soon! =)

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Same here! Unity please! Test it before release it.

I just tested my Dualshock without Bluetooth and it seems fine now. The problem seams to come from the Bluetooth connection that Input system doesnā€™t handle well

Alas, Iā€™ve tried my Switch Pro Controller both with Bluetooth and plugged directly into the USB and both return the same issue with haywire input. =\

UPDATE: Turns out restarting my computer, Unity, and reconnecting my pro controller has solved the issue. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

yeah, 2020.1.13f1 Personal has the same bug. When will this get fixed?

I tried to restart my computer/unity to no avail.

Did anyone manage to solve this? initially i thought it was my mac, then the pro-controller, but Iā€™m currently using the same control on openEmu and it works like pretty well. When iā€™m wired Unity doesnā€™t even get the logs from the inputs, but when iā€™m from bluetooth it gets pure random inputs

I was encountering the same problems mentioned here while connected via USB: Switch Pro sending erratic input to the Input debugger, no inputs firing at runtime, even though InputSystem.onDeviceChange picked it up fine, connecting and disconnecting, so it definitely knows itā€™s there, and knows what it is.
Macbook Pro 2017 / Catalina
Unity 2019.4.15f1
Input System 1.0.1

It started working after I switched to bluetooth (it will show up as two controllers if connected via USB and bluetooth at the same time, so I end up disconnecting the USB to do this)- I know others here say they havenā€™t had luck with bluetooth, but thought Iā€™d mention it and my specs in case that helps. Wired mode does not seem to work in any case - even though it will appear to Unity as a controller, its input is messed up.

Same issue (macOS 11.1 Big Sur, Switch Pro). As soon as I hit Play my player controller goes berserk with chaotic input. I wish Unity were more interested in fixing these bugs, it makes it hard to adopt new features when theyā€™re so busted.

Same issue here too, macOS 11.4, Switch Pro.

I have the ā€œsameā€ problem, more details here in my forum post .

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Any news on this yet???

Had a similar issue with the Dualshock 4 (PS4) via Bluetooth. No issues with USB. Posted in another thread , but seems that there is more activity in this one.

I was hoping to try my Switch Pro Controller tonight too, but sounds like it has similar issues.

I am looking through this here right now but will move forward with a PS4 Controller for now:

Please let us know how your move to the Switch Pro Controller went. :wink:

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I have same problem in Unity 2021.1 and InputSystem 1.1.0-pre5
Itā€™s so serious that will make gamepad totally unusable and Itā€™s reported near a year and there is no any response nor updates from Unity.


Weā€™re considering switching to the new Input System. Can anyone confirm if these issues have been addressed? Currently the package version available to use is 1.3.0.

Any insight is greatly appreciated :slight_smile: