PSD Importer Full Rect Rig

Is there a way to use the sprites imported with the PSD importer with a mesh type of Full Rect when selecting Use As Rig?

When the Use As Rig is disabled, I can set the mesh type to both Full Rect or Tight, but when it’s enabled it forces all the sprites to use Tight regardless of what is selected.

Some of the shaders I’m using rely on a Full Rect mesh type, but Use As Rig is very helpful, when trying to recreate the composition from a PSD file. Maybe there is another way to preserve this composition other than selecting Use As Rig?

Thanks in advance.

There is no setting to enable that. When the Use As Rig is selected, a mesh will be created for each sprite and it can be editted in the Skining Editor (accessible from the Sprite Editor dropdown).

Thank you for the feedback. Let me forward it to the team.

As a temporary workaround, you could go into the Skinning Editor and remove the mesh on each sprite using the Edit Geometry tool by double-clicking to select a sprite and then deleting all verticies. That will reset the geometry to a simple quad.

Hi, which version of PSDImporter are you using?

Just want to check your workflow as well. Do you mean when going into Skinning Editor, the mesh does not take effect?

I’m using 8.0.5. With Unity version EDIT: 2022.3.4f1.

I’ve experienced many other bugs with the importer, mainly the one presumably fixed in later versions: issue tracker. I know this was caused by another part of Unity but would be nice to be able to upgrade to newer versions of the PSD Importer and bring those changes as a dependency. Unfortunately upgrading is not possible via the package manager unless I update my editor version as well which would be a lot of work for us deeply in production.

As for the workflow: I am able to select Full Rect even if I select Use As Rig, but opening the skinning editor or simply dragging the prefab to the scene and checking the wireframe I can clearly see that it uses tight meshes.

Thanks for the tip, but this bug prevents me from selecting the vertices:

Thanks! cc @MarekUnity

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Another clarification, does the Sprites have mesh generated in Skinning Editor?

They do yes, tight meshes.

This bug was fixed in newer Unity versions. Would you be able to upgrade to a higher patch release of 2022.3? E.g. 2022.3.6f1 or higher?

Thanks for the heads up! I will definitely try!