PSVita support ?

Hi, guys

So far as I know, Unity has console deploy feature, such as PS3 XB360.
I am wondering if unity support PSVita deployment, beacuse I know there is a game called “Escape Plan”, which is developed using Unity and it’s a PSVita game.
I wanna know how I can Migrate my game to PSVita.
Let me make this more specific, I am just asking some technical issues ,not how to become a PlayStation Developer.:wink:

Buy a Unity source license and port the engine yourself. That’s probably how the Escape Plan developers did it.

Grab the psm sdk , it’s free, c# …right now at low cost that would be your best bet :slight_smile:

Union is currently the only way to port it in unity. It’s fully supported on union, but you will need a marketable game that inspires them to want to publish it for you.