
We are very proud to announce our first Unity iPhone game: Psychoban.

We worked really hard to make sure that our game introduces a new twist on the puzzle-adventure genre. The game is inspired on sokoban but takes the puzzle solving into actual 3d.

The game features 50 levels (about two and a half hours of gameplay), several locations, dialogues and unlockable content.

Official Site of the game

Link to the app on AppStore

Facebook Psychoban Page

Psychoban Lite on Facebook

Psychoban Lite on AppStore

All comments and feedback are welcome! :smile:


loving the look of it!

well done guys!!!

very good looking
good job :slight_smile:

Awesome graphics!

Cool stuff man!
I like the quote of the bad guy on the first shot a lot.
Also the character seems very fun.

You don’t see too many isometric Unity games floating around, def keep us update on this one!



Now it’s possible to play the Lite version of the game on Facebook:

Psychoban Lite on Facebook

And it’s available on AppStore too! Check it out on your iPhone.

Psychoban Lite on AppStore

Thanks all for the comments!