public static behavior not seen??[SOLVED]

Hi there,
I have a public static behavior, Instance. It exists in scene, yet, when I call it from another script it is not seen, null reference.

I did not get much sleep last night, so I may be delusiuonal, but this works for me all the time. The only thing different is that the script in question is not a Monobehavior, it is a Photon.PunBehavior. I did swap back to Mono, but no luck.

public class Multi_Accessor : Photon.PunBehaviour {

 public static Multi_Accessor Instance;

public void openLobby(){

//called from


Do you set instance? Try this:

public class Multi_Accessor : Photon.PunBehaviour
    #region Singleton

    private static Multi_Accessor _instance;
    public static Multi_Accessor
        get { return _instance; }

    void Awake()
        _instance = this;


    public void openLobby()



Note, if you attempt to access ‘Instance’ before Awake is fired, it won’t be ready yet.

As I say, I am very much deprived of sleep.

Thank you!