publish button for webGL project is not available

I’m new to unity and have made two projects so far!
I am using unity on macOsalt text
the problem is that in my first project there is a button for publishing my webgl project after building it, while in my second project that thing does not exist.
I can’t see what the problem is, it might be the type of project I created in the first place but anyway I have the webgl build for it, is there any way I can publish it?
thanks a lot for your help!

alt text

First, make sure your current Unity version does have the webgl5 extension installed.

You can assert that going to the UnityHub application → installs, and searching the icon of webgl5.

In case of missing it, click the three dots of the Unity installed versions → add module → “support for webgl” or something like that.

Inside the Unity editor:

  • Go to Window → Package Manager.
  • In the topbar of the new window, search the “Packages : XXXXXX” drop-down and select “Unity Registry”.
  • Search the “WebGl publisher” and install / import it.

IIIFFF the package doesn’t appear:

  • In the same Package manager windows, click the “+” button → Add from git.
  • Add the following:


This will automatically add the WebGL Publisher.