Publishing a game without liscense

So anyways, I am pretty low on cash at the moment and I would like to make some games to sell for 99 cents on the app store. However I do not have a mac and I do not have a license. Borrowing money to purchase a license is not an option.

Is there a way I could get a publisher to sell my game and I keep a certain amount of the profits? Just wondering.

i think getting other people to build your game is forbiden, maby you could make them for kongregate.

Plus it will be hard to make ios games without the licence as how would you know if it will work or not?

Touche sir, Touche.

I will perhaps think about making assets or game kits until I can afford sed license.

You can probably build the game and sell someone else the copyrights, but you’d need 35 dollars to file for copyrights in the US. Any publisher will only give you pennies for your hard work though.

Why not freelance your skills out for a while?

Just make your game. Do as much of it as you can in Unity Free, or whatever version you currently have. Once your game is almost finished, you can show it to possible investors and say “This is my game, I want to release it on iOS. I need X money to make it happen.” X obviously being the combined costs for the Unity license and the computer.

That’s the beauty of Unity; you can make a complete game in Unity Free and get far enough to get funding for whatever you need. Hell that’s a great way to get Unity Pro; make a game in Unity Free, release it and make money. Then use that money to get Pro. It’s a win-win scenario.

not the case if you need pathfinding :frowning:

Yep, I also noticed every game before 3.5 did not have pathfinding. claps sarcastically

i made enough money with my asset in the asset store + a couple contract works to be able to afford a mac book pro, unity ios basic license , an ipad 2 and all the software i currently use, but its just pattience as that took me 1 and a half year

its perfectly possible to freelance a bit and gather enough money to buy the stuff you use for work , but its a step at a time , new comers frequently want to start with everything and have no money , so earning 2000 dollars sound like an impossible task

but its more like you got 50 dollars , you buy an app ,later another 30-50 dollars , you buy a cool asset , not everything at the same time

and with time you will see you have enough, but you need to keep working on your things to keep earning money

Make your game first, and then come back. I’m sure you can partner with someone (or just plain sell them the game outright) if you have something to show.

Wait. So you can’t publish games with the free Unity?

You can lol. You need an IOs license to publish at the app store.

Maby i should have said “not the case if you need Navmesh” but eather way your coment makes no sence as:

  1. loads of games dont use path finding, i have made a game and it dosent have anypathfinding and have made some proof of concept none of wich use path finding.
    2.there are 3rd party solutions to pathfinding there for some games do use patfinding before 3.5

@tochicool You can publish to Web,Mac,Pc(and maby flash at the moment) but to publish to other platforms you must buy the correct licenses. ALSO if you make over $100,000 a year then you are forced to buy unity pro and cant use unity free.

Yeah,I would buy unity pro even if made 2000$.

Actually, if your turnover is over $100,000 from whatever source, you’ll have to buy pro. Doesn’t have to be from a Unity game.


Dude, aaron’s pathfinding is navmesh. And it’s free. And it’s really fast on iOS. And It’s been out over a year.

It’s not that weird. Unity Free is supposed to be for Indie developers. If you make more then $100.000 in a year, you’re not Indie anymore or at least PRO enough to buy the PRO version.

Ok maby “not the case if you need navmesh made by unity” :smile: but yes there are loads of other options, i dont understand tho if these 3rd party solutions are so good then why did unity make one themself why not make something new? guess we will never know:)