Hello @BBO_Lagoon .
The code -1 is :
The app is not connected to the Play Store service via the Google Play Billing Library.
Examples where this error may occur:
- The Play Store could have been updated in the background while your app was still running and the library lost connection.
- BillingClient.startConnection(BillingClientStateListener) was never called or has not completed yet.
Since this state is transient, your app should automatically retry (e.g. with exponential back off) to recover from this error. Be mindful of how long you retry if the retry is happening during a user interaction. The retry should lead to a call to BillingClient.startConnection(BillingClientStateListener) right after or in some time after you received this code.
Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff).
info from : BillingClient.BillingResponseCode | Android Developers
This looks familiar to your other bug .
In our next major release (5.0.0) our product and purchase services will have a connection check before making any calls, for now it looks like some of your users are losing connection to the playstore.