Purchase not credited to balance Play console or Unity dashboard

I just released an app with IAP no ads product.

I bought it to myself just to see the process cost 0.99€, 1.19€ VAT included.
Now, i made this purchase 25min ago but my balance on unity dashboard > Finance is still to 0.00$.
The same on google Play console.

See screen shots.
Should i wait more to see credited or something goes wrong ???

Thank you

All valid purchases will show in the Google Play dashboard, it may take our system a day to process. So you did a test purchase with your credit card? Are you using Codeless or Scripted IAP? The logs will show if the transaction was completed How To - Capturing Device Logs on Android

Hello Jeff,
Yes, I bought my own in-app product with real money. (:smile:)
I just wanted to see the whole process before release the app in 152 countries.
I used IAP button codeless (latest version)

I can see the order in my order manager on play console. But ATM no money has been credited.

Thank you for the info. I could wait more confident now. I’ll post here if nothing appears within 2 days. Otherwise it means that everything has worked .

Google handles all the transactions, we only report on them.