Hi. Our Company would like to Purchase Unity Pro. I have several questions though. Is Unity Pro only for creating PC games? We would like to create games for PC, iOS and Android OS. Should we buy the Android Pro, iOS Pro and Team License? Because a team will be creating the game and not just a Single Person. Can we buy it using a credit card? There are also Unity Upgrades (from 3.0 to 4.0), should we avail that too? Is paying the $1500 only one time of we will pay that amount yearly? Thanks for anyone who will answer.
All of these answers are on the https://store.unity3d.com/ page.
Yes, you can make iOS and Android games with Unity. You only need the Pro versions of those addons if you require the features they bring. Read the description and compare links on the store page.
If you pay $1500 then that version of Unity is yours forever. Upgrades to future versions are not free. When Unity 5 comes out (whenever that is) you’ll need to pay to upgrade. You have the option to buy a license for $75 a month that includes the latest version of Pro, including any new versions that come out. You must commit to at least two years if you want to pay monthly.
Please look for answers before you ask a question, all of this information is literally two clicks from the page you’re on reading this.