Purple Eye
Purple Eye is a story driven action adventure game made by one person on Unity, drawing inspiration from Resident Evil and Telltale’s The Walking Dead.
It was initially meant to be the last part of a trilogy, after two games named White Maze and Black and Gray - which I’ll present another day - but it will tell its own story, and won’t need the other two games to be understood.
Technical Details
Purple Eye uses Unity’s High Definition Render Pipeline, and is compatible with DirectX 12 and DLSS, and maybe with Ray Tracing in the future.
Character models are made with Character Creator 4.
The two main assets used are Ultimate Character Controller and Adventure Creator.
Purple-eyed and red-haired, carefree and amnesiac, Ethel Montgomery has got to be the least discrete spy in the world. Yet her unique supernatural vision powers made her the agent of choice for the Federal Bureau of Time, which assigned her its most crucial and perilous mission : unmasking the mole inside her team about to sell her entire timeline to an alternate Japanese Empire even more tyrannical than the one we have known.
Selling points
-Modernized tank controls ! Don’t know what that is ? It’s the control scheme used by old survival horror games like Resident Evil, which do not take into account the camera’s orientation but rather the player character’s own. It still takes some time to get used to it if you haven’t played that kind of game, but once you do you’ll be able to enjoy a combination of old-school exploration and cinematographic action sequences !
-Explore a variety of environments through time and space, from today’s Texan cities to the battle of Sekigahara or Kowloon Walled city.
-An unabashedly political and pro free speech story - from religion to abortion and war crimes, no subject is controversial enough to break Ethel’s cool !
-Long Tarantino-like dialogues with a few Telltale-like moral dilemmas.
-A dense, linear and carefully paced adventure that respects your personal time, planned to be 10 hours long top, with no needless fillers.
Here is a simple trailer I made 2 months ago, it’s not very thrilling I know, first one I ever made !
And here is a short level featuring “puzzle shooting” with the combination of split screen, tank controls and fixed cameras.
Here is the current download link from One Drive : https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApXgOyPTRjcohah1icbYMefQ5KSsJA?e=crVM4L
The archive is 4GB heavy, and the uncompressed folder weighs 11GB.
The game currently cannot be released in early access on Steam, so I’m sharing it this way for the moment. Here is the Steam page if you want to take a look at it nonetheless : Site Error
Here is my Ko-Fi page if you wish to support my work on this project and on Ultimate Character Controller : https://ko-fi.com/cheopioupiou
If you want to see more, you can also join the discord dedicated to the project with this link : Purple Eye