Push Custom Class to Array (JavaScript)

Hi there,

I’m trying to push a custom class to an array and then output the value - but I’m having trouble. I can push the class object to the array without error, but when when I try to print ‘EventMeta.EventObject.score’ I get a NullRef. Code sample below, can anyone help?

private var CurrentTime : int = -1;
private var EventMeta = new Array();

class EventObject extends System.ValueType {
	internal var type : String;
	internal var time : int;
	internal var score : int;
	internal var height : int;

function PushToArray() {

		var c = new EventObject();

		c.type = "Story";
		c.time = CurrentTime;
		c.score = Random.Range(0,1000000);
		c.height = Random.Range(100,300);




your line: print(EventMeta.EventObject.score);

is wrong, for an Array, we access the element of the Array by its index:


but I believe using Arrays is not good, you should instead use List, it is more efficient I think