Putting Current Scene Name on UI (C#)?

So let me start by saying I am very green when it comes to scripting.

My game uses each scene as a different “Level”, and upon the Canvas, I have 3 sections, “Timer”, “Lives”, “Level”. I need assistance with the third one. I want the text to display the current scene’s name, changing name when the UI goes from Scene 1 to Scene 2 to Scene 3. Would anyone be able to help me figure out the correct code to get this to work? I had tried multiple different inputs, but had deleted them when they didn’t work.

Simple Version :-
Why not just add another UI text in each scene displaying the level name? Because if you want to do it with just 1 UI ,that won’t work because the UI will only be rendered for that scene and not for the rest of the scenes.

Complicated Version:-

do all this through script instead of going in every scene and creating the UI in scene view -

create a new UI text object and set all its properties through script(transform , font size etc.). Then add a public int levelNo. Add this script to any gamobject. Do this for all the scenes. Then assign different values for levelNo in each scene. Finally, in the script, set the text of the created UI text object to levelNo.

UI_text.text = UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;