Hey guys, the script below works fine, but I’m wondering how I could add more control in the way things are created randomly.
The script below instantiates GameObjects per an X and Y grid. In the instantiation process, a random number is selected from the puzzleGridArray.length., which then assigns it a X and Y coordinate to go to. Pretty straightforward instantiate coding.
Sometimes the same prefab is created 3 times in a row, which is what I’d like to avoid when the board is created. The point of the game is to eliminate objects, so when this happens, the 3 destroy themselves immediately when the game starts. I’d like to even take this one step further where the prefab will not instantiate itself vertically in 3s as well (Which I think is even harder).
Question: How can I add layers of control to where if Random picks the same object 3 times in a row, it switches to another one instead and continues on its merry way?
#pragma strict
//Grid Script
//Inspector Variables
var gridPrefab : Transform;
var gridX : int = 8;
var gridY : int = 10;
var puzzleX : int = 8;
var puzzleY : int = 5;
var gridArray : Transform[,] = new Transform[gridX, gridY];
var puzzleArray : Transform[,] = new Transform[puzzleX, puzzleY];
var puzzleTypeArray : GameObject[];
function Start ()
function SpawnGrid()
for(var i = 0; i < gridX; i++)
for(var j = 0; j < gridY; j++)
Instantiate(gridPrefab, Vector3(j, i, transform.position.z), Quaternion.identity);
function SpawnPuzzlePieces()
for(var i = 0; i < puzzleX; i++)
for(var j = 0; j < puzzleY; j++)
Instantiate(puzzleTypeArray[Random.Range(0, puzzleTypeArray.Length)], Vector3(j, i, transform.position.z), Quaternion.identity);