PVRTC 2 bpp normal map compression not working

It seems that when I enable PVRTC 2 bpp texture compression for a normal map texture, Unity compresses it with PVRTC 4 bpp. Is there a technical limitation or is this just a bug?

Any workaround for this?

you didnt quite give lots of details, do you? what explanation i can come up with is: if you specify PVRTC2 RGBA compression, unity notices that you have alpha in compression, while normal map wont have it (for mobiles normal maps are RGB), so it picks “no alpha” compression format (and most likely it is pvrtc4 by default). Can you try setting PVRTC2 RGB?

Thanks Alexey, that was it. Perhaps Unity should pick the 2-bit RGB format in this case or give a warning?

Actually, when I select the “RGB Compressed PVRTC 2 bits” option, the dropdown menu selection jumps to the “RGBA Compressed PVRTC 2 bits”. After pressing Apply, I get an RGB PVRTC 2 bit compressed texture.

We’re using 5.1.4f1.

omg, this unity editor is so frivolous ;-). Please create bug report about his behaviour we will look into it

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