In dark areas I get blue fields sometimes, mostly when the canera look at the object at a narrow angle. What is this phenomen called, I want to learn how and why, so I can avoid it. Have played around with most of the parameters of the camera without any visible effect.
As it affects the whole object I gues it can be something about the mesh renderer or the (absence) of fixed light settings? Without knowing the name I haven’t found anything by using google but learned some about Z-figthing and “shadow acne” instead.
Picture attached:
Really? No one care to comment?
Is it so trivial that it is a stupid question?
Honestly I have no idea what the issue is you’re trying to point out. You’re going to have to be more specific.
Hmm well, the blue area in the upper picture is an object that is not rendered (or something), it should be a dark stone as in the lower picture. I have made some further testing and it is independent of lightning and only affects one camera when it is moved into certain positions by the third person controller script. Strangely it only appears if the camera is in its default position. If I offset it during play by orbiting the effect dissapears and don’t seems to plauge me until I reset the camera.
The camera is doing some wonky movement I havent tracked down the source of yet (I have stiched the controller together from tutorials and such) but didn’t that could be the source as the blue fields/dissapeared objects are there even while standing still (once they have appeared during movement that is).
Hmm perhaps I should try to catch a better picture in clear lightening, that turned out being a bit darker than on my screen.
My best guess is that’s the camera background clear color and something is either being culled or you have a transparent material with zwrite in the wrong queue z occluding something.
You might try stepping through the rendering using the frame debugger (in the Unity>Windows menu) and see if you can’t track it down there.
I start looking at the frame debugger and see if I can make heads and toes of it, graphics isn’t my strongest skill … The camera background seems not to change the colour of the effect, it is set to black in the picture above, as I first thought it could help to disguise the little dastardly missing object.
For the frame debugger press enable and step through (down arrow) from the top until you see it happen. It should show you which object is causing the problem.
It was indeed the background colour that was seen, it had reverted back from black to blue at some point, don’t know why. It seems like the Occulsion Culling is malfunctioning. Now I have to read up on that again and try to figure out why a whole floor section (in this case) decides to go astray. The problem seems to affect all the elements noted as static.
As the scene is fairly small I can probably disable it for now, but that wont make the problem vanish tho. picture of Occulsion Visualition attached.
It was the camera getting to close to the wall due to a erronous raycast parameter, the camera could end up in the angle between roof / wall or wall / wall, and thus end up to close to a occluder as mentioned in this article:
Thanks bgolus, the frame debugger put me back on the track after I had discarded the occlusion as a culprint based on false assumptions.