Quads to triangles... Problem in unity


because there is not a triangulate or normal softening option in the 3D coat retopology room, i had to triangulate and smooth the mesh normals in maya.

When i import the triangulated mesh to unity i get this

see that dotted line? that happens to every quad that has been triangulated in maya.

that edge changes it visibility at different viewing angles… it suggests there is something wrong with that part of geometry; Any ideas why this happens?

I don’t use the auto triangulate function in unity because it does not produce proper lighting/smoothing on some of the edges.

BTW i am using uniy 5 beta 21

I don’t know what that ‘dotted line’ is besides just a regular edge.
If you don’t want the softwares to convert or change topology - which it normally doesn’t - set the topology in your modeling package so it isn’t changeable.
I’m sure there is a function in Maya (I use Max) to draw/create that dotted line as an edge so it is permanent. In Max its the create command. Create the edge then when it is exported/imported the softwares won’t edit the triangulation.
All quad mesh gets triangulated eventually - might as well control how it ends up by creating the triangles before the export/import process. And then you won’t have any mesh discrepancies in Unity.

i know i could manually triangulate it… but i still wonder whats going on here

Thanks for the reply,

That is just the thing though, they all have to move independently, I am starting to think this is the best way to do it. I wonder if there would be a way to combine all those meshes before hand and just use one draw mesh call considering that is the heaviest function in the algorithm.