When I say world space, I mean real world space. I have the rotation of my android device in the form of a unit quaternion in real world space. I want to mimic the rotations in my unity app on the PC.
Up until now I have come up with a solution to point the device at the screen and press a button - then I get the initial rotation of the mesh (0, 0, 0), I get the rotation of the real world at the time, find the difference between them with the formula
Quaternion relative = Quaternion.Inverse(worldQuaternion) * initialQuaternion
then apply the difference to every world quaternion I receive and set it to my object that’s mimicking the whole thing.
MimickingObject.transform.rotation = differenceBetweenInitialAndWorldAtTimeOfPressingButton * everyWorldQuaternionFromDevice;
This corrects it only a certain case. I have a few images to illustrate.
Here is the unity coordinate system.
This is my real world axis looked at from my PC screen (This is how I orientate my device and its also the initial model rotation - parallel to the screen, with the top pointing at the sky. In this case when I click the button I get the arbitrary rotation that I get from my device, get the difference between it and Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0), correct the device quaternion with this difference and I get proper mimicking.
HOWEVER, when I initially orientate the device like this It’s like my axis get scrambled. Rotating around device Y rotates around app X and so on.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, because I can’t seem to be able to ask the right questions and find an answer.