Quaternion.Slerp not working

Hi guys,
In a game set in space I’m working on, I can’t seem to get an object to face the camera, as well as end up level to the camera, using LookRotation(). I believe it’s because the camera could be at any arbitrary angle. I have been able to get the rotation to work on two axis, x & y, but the object is not rotated correctly on the z axis so it’s not level with respect to the camera.

Setup: An object is parented to an empty GameObject which in turn is parented to my camera. The empty GameObject is 15 units down the Z-axis, and the object is parented to the empty GameObject’s origin.

The camera flies around space before stopping, and the object appears in front of the camera rotating using a rigid body . So when the tractor beam is activated by the user, the position / rotation of the camera is arbitrary and the Slerp rotates the object. The script below works fine until the camera is rotated.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class test_rotate : MonoBehaviour {

public Transform target;
Vector3 targetV3;   // Vector3 of camera (for LookRotation)
Quaternion rotateTo; //used to store LookAt angle
bool beamOn; 
public Rigidbody rb;
int counter = 0; //counter for frames 
float tracterBeamSpeed = 5f; //modifies the speed of rotating the object to face camera

void Start () {
	rb.AddRelativeTorque (new Vector3 (50f, 500f, 150f));  //sets the object rotating

void Update () {
	if (beamOn) 
		if (counter <= 40) {
		transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (transform.rotation, rotateTo, Time.deltaTime * tracterBeamSpeed);
		Debug.Log("rotating" +counter);
		} else {
			beamOn = false;
			counter = 0;
			Debug.Log("done rotating");
//button triggers this method
public void RotateStart() 	
		rb.freezeRotation = true; //turn of rigidbody forces for rotation
		//tried this, works if rotate camera x and / or y but not if rotate camera.z
		targetV3 = target.forward; 
		//******** tried this, doesn't work if camera has been rotated, and since object is        
                                     // parented relative position may not be necessary
		//targetV3 = (transform.position - target.position); 
		rotateTo = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetV3); 
		//******** also tried this, same result, doesn't work when camera is rotated
		//rotateTo = Quaternion.identity;
		beamOn = true;  //turns on the Slerp function in Update


Thanks for any advice!

By the way, if I pause the game and type 0,0,0 as the eular angle for rotation in the the editor for the object, it faces the camera perfectly, which is why I tried using Quaternion.identity

Thanks Hex, Genius! Worked like a charm. Adding the .up parameter to LookRotaion() solved the problem.