Queries hit triggers can only be called from the main thread

hello folks,
this is my first time working with unity’s job system so I might be missing something obvious but here’s my situation, I have a job that calls a CalculateColliders() function in another script in which I do a simple overlapcircle check Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(WorldPosition, tileDiameter, ObstaclesLayer); however once I play I get this error get_queriesHitTriggers can only be called from the main thread I know that means I should only call overlapcircle from the main thread but I need to call it this way, so is there a fix or a workaround?


did you solve it?

These physics queries can only be called from the main-thread. There is no “solving” it. :wink:

Also, please don’t necropost on these forums by bumping and then posting separately. It’s not a chat-room and you can edit your threads.
