Query Lobbies with different filters at once

My game has something like 6 different GameModes that fall into two categories. When searching for games i give my players the option to also choose “Any Category I” or “Any Category II”. At this point i query all lobbies without filters and apply the logic in my game. Is there also a way to directly query that from the Service itself?
Query every Lobby where QueryFilter.FieldOptions.SX is >= 0 && < 4?

Hey, when querying Lobbies, you can send a list of filters to apply to narrow down the results to what you want. In your case, you would need 2 different filters, one for SX >= 0, and one for SX < 4.

Multiple filters can be provided and are combined with a logical AND. It is not possible to change this to an OR filter. See related discussion: Flags Enum Support for Lobby Data Queries