Hello, I have encountered a bizarre, seemingly android level bug while developing a social application in Unity.
A user’s microphone will be working normally and then during load sequences (loading a new scene), there is a small chance that it will stop working. We have dealt many times with the microphone being stopped for some reason, and normally it is just a matter of making sure UnityEngine.Microphone is recording and Photon voice is connected. HOWEVER, this is different.
All measurable stats in Unity read that the microphone is connected and running, except for the fact that it is receiving no sound. The wild part is that the problem stays with the user after leaving the app!
Making an oculus screen record video does not capture the audio from the mic. We launched multiple other apps and non of them were able to properly use the microphone. The mic on the headset was essentially useless until a system reboot.
This sounds like a hardware issue but it is not, we have had it happen to several different people using different headsets with the same symptoms.
My question to the community is this, what could be happening in a Unity app that could actually break Android’s connection to the microphone so thoroughly that the Oculus OS can’t even use it?
I’m suffering from a similar problem. The microphone stops listening to sound after scene loading. There is no problem visible in the device logs. Did you find any solution to the problem?
@mertcolakogl I have not found a solution yet. Are you also experiencing the microphone break for all applications or just your own?
I’m developing a language simulation with voice interaction for Oculus. For now, I’m only getting this error in my own application. I experienced that the microphone worked without any problems in some of the games I played.
Device: Oculus Quest 2,
Unity Version: 2021.3.16f1 with Oculus Integration v50.0
@mertcolakogl We are experiencing a specific problem where the bug prevents all other apps from using the microphone properly. Once the bug happens, it cannot be fixed until you restart the headset. If you are able to use other apps or your microphone starts working again if you restart your app, we do not have the same problem
This looks like a runtime bug that might need to be addressed. Please fill a bug report with a sample project attached of the exact usage so it can be used for validating a fix.
Hello there, anybody found the cause and a fix for this bug?
hello, at least I found the solution for my problem. There is a runtime error(?) in the VOICE SDK from which I get the text to speech service for Oculus.
If the game object containing the AppVoiceExperience class is destroyed during transitions between scenes, the microphone stops working.
The game object containing the base setup (AppVoiceExperience, GameManager, SceneSwitcher) should be opened at startup and should not be destroyed during runtime (weird).
I solved this problem by creating a scene called BaseSetup keeping the base setup scripts active during runtime and change scenes additive.
DontDestroyOnLoad does not work for this case.
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