Quest 3 Calibration Issue with 2020.3.38

Our game works perfectly on the Quest 2, the user is calibrated and appears in the game in the correct position. However, with the Quest 3, it doesn’t work at all. The user isn’t calibrated correctly.

We’re using Unity 2020.3.38

We’re hoping for a quick fix or patch, other than upgrading to a newer version of Unity, mainly because it’ll be giant headache that will take us weeks.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you

How do you ‘calibrate’ the user?
Define ‘doesnt work’.
Checked logcat for errors?

Quest 3 isn’t officially supported in 2020, so the official route would be upgrading to 2021 (or 2022). If this is a long term project I recommend this either way. It can definitely be worth the time.