Quest System

Hey guys. I’m wondering character can interact with NPC. Upon engagement, there’ll be conversation and it’s a trigger for a quest start.

I look up in forum and find out about Dialogue System for Unity which costs $65. For starters, I only develop a small 2D adventure game.
I’m wonder if there are any other way to create the dialogue w/o using the expensive item. Please help me. and. Thanks a lot.

sure, there is other way to make it :smile: Use 4.6 Beta or wait for 4.6 release. With new gui it will be not so hard to make conversation. Place trigger at your nps. Then use script someting like: On TriggerEnter2D (collider2D other) {if (other.gameObject.tag == “Player”) “start your GUI conversation”; And make your GUI working as you need.