question abous instantiate?

hello, i’m back after two years, starting a new game project, last unity version i had used was unity 2016.

now i’m using unity 2019 and i’m learning about the changes made in unity in these two years.

i’m facing an issue, maybe a newbie one, i’m trying to instantiate a bullet at some empty child from my prefab gameobject transform, but when i move my master object and try to instantiate the bullet again it keep instantiate at 0,0,0

these is the code i used to instantiate my bullet

any help will be very useful

thanks in advance for all your help.

if (Time.time > delay)
                Rigidbody bullet = (Rigidbody)Instantiate(BulletPrefab, WeaponFireLocation.transform.localPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                bullet.AddForce(WeaponFireLocation.forward * 1000);
                delay = Time.time + attack_rate;

p.s.: all variables and object are valid, not empty or null variables are in the code.

  1. This is the wrong place for questions as far as forum placement.

  2. I think you need to read up on the difference between world and local coordinates. You are instantiating the bullet at the “local” position of a transform…but the instantiate function needs world coordinates. You can do a conversion, but I don’t think you need that in this case since you have access to the object. You can directly grab the world coordinates.

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sorry for posting in the wrong section, i will post in the right place next time.

thanks for the info, i will try that!
