I was wondering, since you guys have anti-aliasing in the widget and (Web?) players, why isn’t it enabled for full screen? Performance issues? Is there much difference in implementing full-screen AA?
I know you guys don’t comment on future features, but any idea when FSAA will be working?
Would be nice to lose those jaggies 
I don’t think it’s due to performance issues. The anti-aliasing works pretty well with full screen webplayer…
Try right clicking the player thing.
From what I heard, they wanted a good way to put it in the opening configuration dialogue gox in a way that was not confusing for those that are less technically inclined.
I figure, why wait for that, at least allow us to enable it with scripting. Seems like it is working just fine in the web player.
Just put FSA or if you want write it out “Full Screen anti-aliasing” and they could even add something like “(jaggy smothing)” or something of the like, I mean come on tons of games have this FSA drop down with the X you want it at. Jeff
This really is a needed feature. I would understand the delay if it was a totally new feature, but they have the code for it already working. At least give us a date when you guys are going to enable it please.